Become an MNT Provider

Steps for Becoming a Credentialed Provider of Medical Nutrition Therapy Services in Georgia
Dietitians can receive payment for providing medical nutrition therapy (MNT) in Georgia for both children and adults. Reimbursement is available through Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance companies. The process to begin charging for services is as follows:
Georgia has an excellent licensure law that provides verbiage for dietitians to act as individual billing providers.
A National Provider Indicator (NPI) number is a unique 10-digit ID number for healthcare providers. The NPI number links the services provided (MNT) to you as a provider. There are two types: type 1 and type 2:
- Type 1 is an individual provider (all licensed dietitians need a type 1)
- Type 2 is an organizational number (i.e. hospital setting, private practice group, etc.).
There is no fee for obtaining an NPI number.
Almost all payers require professional liability insurance for credentialed providers. If you are an independent private practice provider, you can purchase your own policy through the Academy at a discounted rate.
Non-Academy members can purchase a policy directly through ProLiability. If you work in a facility, contact your manger or legal department regarding professional liability coverage.
Counsel for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) is a uniform application system for providers to use to become credentialed with insurance companies. There is no fee for this service, which saves time from filling out multiple contracts, minimizes paperwork, and allows the provider to keep information current and uniform.
Get Credentialed
The credentialing process varies according to payer. Some payers may not credential RDNs. Tip sheets and resources, according to each payer to help with the credentialing process, will be available shortly.
Private Payers and Medicaid/Medicaid CMOs (members only)
- Medicaid
- Medicaid CMO
- United
- Cigna
- Aetna
Our work as dietitians does not stop at providing medical nutrition therapy. In order to promote health equity for our patients and receive increased pay and reimbursement rates we must advocate for change through policy.
The Academy produces a monthly MNT Provider Newsletter and is free to members.
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